Director, co-cinematographer, editor, and colorist for a book release trailer for Shellie Pomeroy of Silk & Willow.

Director, editor, and colorist for “An Artist’s Eye for Photographing Wedding Details” Educational Course Trailer for Corbin Gurkin — with creative cinematography by Josh Gooden.

Director, co-cinematographer, editor, and colorist for a short piece for Kiana Underwood of Tulipina.

Director, lead cinematographer, and editor for a narrative process film for Kiana and Nate Underwood of Tulipina.

Director, editor, and colorist for a home renovation/story film for Michelle Rago — with cinematography by Josh Gooden.

Assistant cinematographer and set photographer for “Salzburg Summer” by Lowland Hum. In collaboration with directors and editors, Forrest and Zaynah Akeel Pando — with cinematography by Josh Gooden.